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"Ladies and Gentalmen, I sorry I speek no English, I only speek double vodka"

I became involved with music at an early age.  I attended music school in Stara Lubovna, where I learned to play the clarinet and it was during my college years that I started playing with a folk group. When I was 15 I started playing the accordion, my first teacher being my older brother Pavol. I found it a fascinating instrument.
I've always encouraged my children with their music and am delighted that they have represented our village at different folk festivals.

My brother Pavol and I were founder members of the BZ band and although we originally played mainly in Slovakia, we eventually branched out, playing in Poland, Czech rep., Ukraine, Belgium and Scotland.  For me, the most important were the festivals in Scotland.   We were surprised how appreciative the audiences were and it was great to see that our traditional music was enjoyed there too.

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© The BZ Band - Brothers Zamiskovci - 2010